In “The Universal Mind of Bill Evans,” an insightful documentary on the creative process of a legendary jazz pianist, Mr. Evans explains that his students are often faced with a problem that might have them choose to venture down several, various “avenues.” He is careful not to choose their path for them. He explains that his…
Glorious Patterns, Oratorios, and the Financial Market!
The price action in the S&P 500 futures contract looks strikingly similar to a line of music in the great George Handel’s spectacular oratorio – Judas Maccabeus. A larghetto marks when a section of a musical piece should be performed at a slower tempo. If one has observed or traded the markets this summer, the juxtaposition…
Poem: “Hands”
Click on the headline to read “Hands” in poem format.
Can the Fed Stop “Zirpenstein”? Does the Puppet Master Have What It Takes?
The monster, Zirpenstein, has continued to grow. The headline that is the most significant and is the greatest fundamental (mentioned in “Technicals Inform the Fundamentals: QE4ever?”) is not mentioned by the financial pundits – WE ARE IN THE ERA OF THE CENTRAL BANK AS CENTRAL PLANNER! (read more in “Don’t Be So Pretendtious!”) Japan has…
Amateur Hour: Merkel’s Whipping Boy
Hurrah! The Bailout of the Healthcare Sector and the Government Subsidization of Big Pharma Remains!
The degree to which people are misinformed is astounding. As was so aptly stated earlier in CAVEAT EMPTOR: REVIEW OF DYLAN RATIGAN’S RAGE AND THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR BAILOUT… Dear Sheeple: A Priori Argument So, the healthcare sector that was overcharging for its services before the Affordable Healthcare Act is now handily beating its earnings estimates and outpacing the…
The Endless European Non-Deal
One’s intuition and instinct can work so well at times. See…juxtaposed the European central bankers trying to solve the Greek problem vs. JP Morgan – the peerless problem-solving banker of his time.
Who Will Stop the Global Central Bank Policy Monster – Zirpenstein?
Chicago pensions: a preview of coming attractions for Medicare & Social Security?
Chicago’s pension system (for police and firefighters) is all-but-officially bankrupt, and Chicago’s property owners look like the most likely target for the city’s desperate attempts to save it. According to a report by Nuveen Investments, a state law passed in 2010 — but that kicks in next year — requires Chicago to massively increase its pension payments in…
America: Proudly Offering BOTH Kinds of Policy Options. HA!
One of the most pernicious effects of the Fed’s policies on American politics, especially over the past 25 years, has been what increasingly seems to be a homogenized set of policy choices. Identifying this homogenizing effect has been one of the themes of Mixed Market Artist. [youtube width=”560″ height=”315″][/youtube] For example: Americans elected the “Not Bush”…